Dashboard Week |Day 4 -Boys Bands

by Anastasija Starkina

Today was the 4th day of the Dashboard Week and Andy decided to cheer us up with some interesting datasets!  Our task for was to analyze the Boys Band data from Github.  The data was split between two datasets: One with the complete artist information and the other with the year and song the band got into Billboard 100.

First off I’ve imputed both datasets into Alteryx. Below is the list of steps that I’ve undertaken:

1.      Used Multirow formula to change Null values to None across different tables.

2.      Changed height field to double.

3.      Calculated height in cm.

4.      Split date of birth, to extract year into separate column.

5.      Converted date of birth field to date.

6.      Calculated current age of the artists ( Calculation isn’t quite right as I used year in my calculation instead of the complete date).

7.      For the bands dataset I converted position date from string to date/

8.      Extracted the year of highest position.

9.      Selected and renamed several fields.

10.  Joined both datasets on Band.

11.  Calculated age of the artists on a day their hits reached billboard top 100.

12.  Voila! The dataset is ready to be used in Tableau!

For the creation of my Dashboard, I was inspired by the billboard hot 100 chart from the 60's. Initially I was planning to use the same boarder color as well as font, but Tableau decided otherwise ( some fonts and container colors are not supported by Tableau Public so I had to compromise on those two factors.

The top section of my dashboard contains KPI's with the most important numbers. The KPI's can be filtered by the year using the bar chart below. The bar chart can be utilized in 3 ways:

  1. To show the average age of artists per year.
  2. To show the number of artists in billboard chart.
  3. To show the average height of artists per year.  

Year 2000 was the most successful years for boys bands, with 37 artist reaching  the chart!

The middle section of the dashboard was designed to explore in more details a specific band. With the help of a filter, it  you can choose a band.  The view shows breakdown of the band members, their features, along with the song details of the hit song.

The bottom section is more of a playing ground. You can mix and match different measures to find out what combination of features is the most common amongst the artist. Who knows- maybe if you try to replicate some of the lucky combinations,  you might get into the Billboard 100 chart! Good Luck ;)

Tableau Public Link: Boy Bands in the U.S. Billboard Top 100 (1980-2018) | Tableau Public


Anastasija Starkina

Tue 28 Sep 2021

Mon 27 Sep 2021

Sun 01 Aug 2021