Dashboard Week Day 3 - Health Nutrition and Population Statistics with Snowflake

by Andy Kriebel

Day 2 passed with some pain learning the Alteryx Reporting Tools and overall, I was quite impressed with how much the team achieved. In the end, the whole purpose of dashboard week is to learn. That includes time management, presenting, technical skills, analysis, etc. I strive to get them to learn as much as possible in as short amount of time as possible.

Day 3 presents the opportunity for them to learn how to use Snowflake. We teach the team about writing SQL, but we haven't taught them in the past about how to create databases. And that's the main goal for Wednesday: learn how to use Snowflake.

I've started learning Snowflake myself and have found the experience quite intuitive and really easy to get started.

Wednesday's data from from the World Bank. The data provides key health, nutrition and population statistics (surgery, health financing, HIV/AIDS, immunization, infectious diseases, medical resources and usage, water and sanitation, etc.).

So far this week, the team was able to simply download the data. For this project, they must use API and the workflow must then upload the data to Snowflake. Lastly, I want to see an exploratory, analytical dashboard.

Rules recap:

  1. Must work alone
  2. May only use the API to get the data
  3. Upload the data into Snowflake directly from the workflow
  4. Create an exploratory, analytical dashboard
  5. Write a blog post
  6. Present their work at 3pm

We'll also have some people from Snowflake joining for the presentations. It'll be really useful for them to hear about the teams' experiences.