Dashboard week: Vegetables dataset

by Edoardo Aversa

For today's challenge DS25 was tasked to work on data about vegetable consumption in the US. The challenge had 3 main steps: create a sketch of the work to do, prep the data in Tableau Prep and build a dashboard in Tableau Desktop.

Having given a quick look at the data, I thought about a similar structure for my dashboard:

(However, as you can see at the bottom, further down the line I changed the structure).

The following is my Prep flow:

And this is the final dashboard:

For today's task, I encountered several challenges:

  • having to create a sketch of the work before being able to actually visualise the data in Prep wasn't easy, as I couldn't tell what fields I would have used and visualised later;
  • in Tableau Prep I spent a lot of time removing unnecessary fields, as well as splitting and merging other fields (went back to prep to change the vegetables column numerous times);
  • finally in Desktop given the structure of the data, I felt I didn't have much choice with the type of charts to include in the dashboard, and ended up choosing quite standard/simple ideas.