Bike Store Sales Preppin' Data Challenge in Alteryx and Tableau Prep

by Ivan Duniak

This challenge involved removing numbers and punctuation from one of the fields, aggregating the data, and using date calculation to get the difference between the order date and the shipping date.

Importing the data


We can see that prep recognized the data types for each of the fields

Alteryx doesn’t recognize the date fields as it’s not in the Alteryx default format and therefore we have to use the DateTime tool to convert the dates.

Removing numbers and punctuation



Aggregating the values


Grouping the values by Model, Bike Type and using the sum for quantity, order value, using an avg for value per bike. We can see that prep has a cool feature where we can select a category in a field and it will show us how many rows/values(histogram) that category has in other fields which is really useful. Also if we select that category in the results table it will highlight all the rows with the same name


Similar process in Alteryx

Calculating the days it took to ship the product



Final Workflows


Ivan Duniak

Fri 26 Nov 2021

Thu 25 Nov 2021

Wed 24 Nov 2021

Fri 10 Sep 2021