Dashboard Week Day 2: Forest Cover Change since 2000

by Jake Reilly

Today Andy gave us a dataset that looked at the change in global forest cover since 2000. Here's how I got on...

The Data

The data included an array of metrics, many of which I was unlikely to use. There was also the issue of some of these being yearly values, whilst others were totals or unrelated to time. I therefore decided to output two files, one containing all non time based metrics and the other containing time based ones. The Alteryx workflow I used is shown below.

My Approach

I decided that my main focus would be to look at the absolute and percentage change of forest cover. I first showed this as a map, in which the countries were colored based on the magnitude of forest loss. I also included bar charts to show this change for different countries/regions, and for different biomes. The last chart I included for this section was a bar chart thank showed the top 10 countries for regeneration of forest cover since 2000.

The second focus was on the progression of the different types of deforestation over time. To show this I used a simple line chart, with each line representing a different type. This Chart was filterable through the map, so you could explore this for different countries.

The Dashboard