DS24 Dashboard Week - Day 4 - Boybands

by Muneeb Sajjad

Final week of training, dashboard week, day 4.

Today's topic is boy bands that have charted on the billboard hot 100.

Today's requirements, as per Andy's blog: To download both (boys and bands) data sets. Then prep and visualise the data.

Alteryx Workflow

The data required little prep. After downloading the files, I joined the two datasets on a common field (names of the bands). The D.O.B. field wasn't correctly formatted, I fixed this with a DateTime tool. I edited the fields (Capitalised the headers, and change a few data types) using a select tool and added a formula tool to convert the height values from inches to cm. I outputted the workflow as a Hyper file before connecting to the data on Tableau.

Alteryx Workflow

The Dashboard

The dashboard looks at every boy band to chart on the Billboard Hot 100 since 1980. It includes the average age of boy band members when they peaked, how tall they are/were, their eye colour, and what instruments they play. I used calculations to highlight max values in the charts. I also included a couple filter options to select the band, and band members.

Tableau Public Dashboard

Link to Tableau Public dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/views/DashboardWeek-Day4BoyBandstoChartontheBillboardHot100/Dashboard1?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link