Dashboard week day 2: Creativity

by Abiramm Thavajothy

Unlike yesterday where we had a goal we were aiming for, today's dashboard had no restrictions. We were given a lot of data w.r.t. previous FIFA World Cups and the only requirement was to be as creative as possible.

When given creative freedom I tend to get a bit stuck. So the initial process of figuring out what I wanted to do was very tricky - in fact the image below sums it up best.

But as I was going through the fixtures I started to get a bit nostalgic. Seeing the results of certain games was taking me back to when I was watching them. So, I wanted to reflect upon that, and the idea I came up with was a view of all the knockout stage brackets (that I witnessed), with the ability to filter between the different years.

Below is what it looks like;

The slider picks the year and from that point you can see the entire bracket.

I had lots of fun building this, and unlike most of my other visualisations, there is no analysis to be done. Just the games, the fixtures and the memories.


Abiramm Thavajothy

Fri 29 Jul 2022

Thu 28 Jul 2022

Tue 26 Jul 2022

Tue 19 Jul 2022