Shreya Arya

Shreya is a x6 Viz of the Day recipient, a Tableau Public Featured Author 23' and one of the leaders of the Tableau Community project, Back to Viz Basics (B2VB).

A few months into learning Tableau and starting her data visualisation journey, Shreya was recognised as a member of #TableauNext 2023 - an initiative celebrating 55 upcoming, Next-Gen Data Viz Stars - nominated by the DataFam community on Twitter. During this time, she also recieved x4 Vizzie award nominations in the categories of Notable Newbie, Best Designer, Storyteller Extraodinaire and Biggest Growth (2023).

She has worked closely with Lloyds Banking Group as a client to drive BI adoption groupwide, in addition to building and optimising Tableau dashboards.

During her training, Shreya has gained extensive experience working with data from diverse clients and industries, including Wealth Management Firms, Property Lending, and the Professional Athletics Sector. This has showcased her adaptability and expertise in handling various types of data effectively.

With a genuine passion for data and its potential, Shreya is determined to help organisations to utilise the full power of their data, by providing valuable insights and solutions for sustainable growth.

Check out her website, where she shares step-by-step guides on recreating charts and techniques using Tableau.

Viz of the Day's

KYOTO, JAPAN - Cherry Blossom Seasonality | B2VB
- awarded 2nd Feb 2024

Walt Disney Movies | #DataPlusMovies
- awarded 12th Dec 2023

Milan Widow Drinking Fountains | Makeover Monday
- awarded 28th Sept 2023

Solar Energy Dashboard | RWFD
- awarded 26th Jul 2023

Google Analytics Dashboard | B2VB
- awarded 26th Apr 2023

African American Museums | B2VB
- awarded 27th Feb 2023

Certifications & Badges


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