Dashboard Week, Day 1

by Ivan Duniak

Today’s task was to get the NYC open data using an API. After getting the data we had to create a dashboard using universal design principles as well as making the information available for keyboard users and users of screen readers.

I created a text input with the API URL, then used a download tool and a JSON parse tool.

My task then was to convert this data into tableau friendly format where JSON_Name is the column headers and the JSON_ValueString are the values for those headers. The number before those values is the row number.

I used some regex to get the numbers and the values for the headers also made the first letter of the values a capital.

The last step was to crosstab my data using the configuration below, in this case, the aggregation isn’t relevant as each value fits in each cell.

My Final Dashboard

Challenges faced

My input URL API only returned 9k rows so I had to add the '$limit=300000' after the '.json'.

I haven't used the publish to tableau server tool before so it took some time to understand the configurations.

I had to use universal design principles which meant using the colour-blind accessible palette, labeling marks in multiple ways, making text larger, making mark size larger, trying to avoid overloading with marks, colors, and other factors to consider

Final thought

I've created the dashboard and then started to work on making the information available for keyboard users and users of screen readers which was a mistake as most of it didn't work in the end. A better approach would have been testing the screen recorder while building the dashboard to make it function correctly.


Ivan Duniak

Fri 26 Nov 2021

Thu 25 Nov 2021

Fri 10 Sep 2021