DS24 - Dashboard Week Day 1

by Liu Zhang
Crowds converging on Windsor to celebrate the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Photo by King's Church International / Unsplash

Day 1 task is to build an app within Alteryx, which is to download data from UK Police API for location crime data information, then pass onto Tableau viz which is automatically updated.

Task 1: Get some data

Given the sample code available in the documentation on the API website, it is not difficult to query some data. Some of the cleaning steps required to parse the JSON data is straight forward as well.

Task 2: Change input

Since the final aim is for the user to choose different type of crime and data range of the data (and location), I varied the input of the workflow to check the feasible combinations. Some of the dates seems to not have output.

Task 3: Build Alteryx App

Although the workflow works for a particular case, the Analytic app is a bit trickier, as a small input may affect the whole workflow.

Task 4: Build Tableau KPI Dashboard

Given the information downloaded is a single time slice, there is minimum amount information is available to produce a dashboard, so the design is kept to a minimum. No trend analysis or anything.

Lesson learnt/silly mistakes:

1: Space MATTERS in Manually set values pair, one of the last mistake to find in my workflow, as the space caused incorrect URL for download.

2: Don't go for the hard way when there is an easy way. I was thinking to create a nested macro to input various values for my URL from Action tool, instead just Append all the information then use in a formula.

3: Run command tool is useful for automate the process by open Tableau straight away, but it requires the continue running of the tool for Tableau to be kept open. There is a time limit when longer work session is needed.

To be done: Include Time Period Option

The requirement asks for data within a time period, but I have only managed to produce for a single select month. In principle I can let the user to chose to dates then scaffold on the month value in between, then download data for each month and union the final results.

Full Workflow

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