DS24 Training Blog - Week 7

by Liu Zhang
Photo by Marvin Meyer / Unsplash

Day 1:

First client project initial meeting. This time it is a client from banking sector, it is interesting to play with financial data, finally something that is different from the Superstore data set.

The data set itself is rather clean, minimal clean/prep is needed, though understanding each columns took substantially proportion of the time for the team.

Learning skills about how a project manager should plan the days ahead and for foreseeable obstacles and the need to organize and assign tasks.

Day 2:

Half day training on Alteryx API lead by Ben Moss. Mainly using the download tool to access API to gain access data. Luckily that we had attended previous DS 23 presentations where they had used and demonstrated such functionality, therefore the session is much less intimidating then it seems. Access Tableau Server with REST API is a bit more cumbersome to perform as the the security procedural need to be followed.

Afternoon is allocated to project time, proceed to design the layout for the final individual dashboard, establish a certain template in advance will certainly help, something to note for my pm session in the following week.

Day 3:

Almost whole day session on web scraping by using Alteryx. Quite interesting subject to learn, in particular the basic knowledge about html script (Crtrl + Shift + I in Chrome). By using download tool, it scrapes the whole html code from a given page, then parsing the required data through RegEx tool. It offers plenty opportunity to practice RegEx, which is also a bonus.

Then we had an hour and half in the end of the day continue to work on the project, though mostly of the allocated time is used to contact the client liaison to clarify the understanding about data set and preview of the design so far.

Day 4:

Morning session is on the topic of Mental Health and Well Being lead by Claire Ward (from HR). It is topic of high concern for the company, particular after the extensive of isolation and remote working due to Covid-19. We discussed both individually and collectively how to manage and respond to the onset of mental health issue. Some stress is normal and even increase performance, but excessive amount is not. The importance of taking rest to recharge rather than carry on continuously, which will only compound the problem.

In the afternoon, it is a mad dash to finalize the dashboard building. It is a moment where both panic and anxiety sets in, but it also highlighted learning from previous weeks, once the design is decided, it is relatively quick to produce the end results, much less time than imagined is needed to perform the task. So is the team spirit kicks in, we helped each other on the end product.

Day 5:

The first project presentation day, I am not as stressed as the starting of the week, with most of my viz has been finished. Morning session is used to polish off some final formatting and practice present the final dashboard, also helping out others for anything need to modified with their dashboard.

The presentation itself was quite good, I said all the prepare points, indicated some useful insight for the client. Carl also offered valuable feedback on my presentation, such as control both the length and tempo better. Learning on feedback for the project manager's work and picking up more ideas for next week's where I will be doing the project manager position.

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