DS43 Dashboard Week: Day 1

by Lorna Brown

It’s dashboard week for DS43 and they have 4 days due to having a bank holiday on Friday. For those that haven’t seen dashboard week before, the cohort gets a challenge at the beginning of the day, they will have a set of standard requirements and challenge specific requirements and then have to present back at 3:30pm. Each day will comprise of different skills that the team has asked for.

Standard Requirements:

  • Must work independently
  • Must all write a blog before presenting at 3:30pm
  • Must publish and present from Tableau Public or Power BI Service

We have seen an increase in the number of people needing SQL skills, so for Day 1, I want the team to practise their SQL and Power BI skills as today’s challenge requires them to do the data preparation within SQL and visualisation in Power BI.

Today the team are going to focus on a Lego dataset, courtesy of Will Sutton. This dataset contains a variety of different tables, so narrowing their focus will be important today. 

SELECT Bricks FROM LEGO WHERE FunLevel > 9000


  • Scope, Plan and Sketch your work
  • Use your SQL skills to join the data sets together
  • Create a report in Power BI
  • Feel free to find additional data that might supplement your analysis

You should present your:

  • Plan & sketches
  • SQL statements
  • Power BI Dashboard

Good Luck team!

Finer Details:

  • Lego
    • Schema: staging

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