Dashboard Week Day 1: Accessibility Project

by Thanoshaan Thayalan

Whilst this is the second day of dashboard week, this was our first dashboard output and it was focused on producing a dashboard that was accessible to the residents of Glasgow who wanted to be able to see the road repair data.

The Key Inclusions

  • KPI's were in a sheet so it can be read by a screen reader and in big letters for visually impaired
  • The titles for the charts explain the results of the chart so when a screen reader reads out the title, it gives an easy explanation to the user of what the chart is showcasing
  • Bar charts are very simple to give the user more familiarity and big in size to give the user more visibility
  • Font used was Arial as sans-serif fonts are easier to read for users
  • Colour choice was based on the Glasgow City Council logo but it was contrasted well with the background and also was colour-blind friendly
  • A tabular format was included as a dashboard navigation button to make it easier to read out data that was included in the bar charts

Challenges and Feedback

  • Main challenge was to try and make it user-friendly for multiple accessibility use cases
  • Include a text next to the table navigation button to inform the user via sight as to what the button represents
  • Having a dropdown filter rather than a slider as you can edit the size of the values within the filter and the navigation with a tab will still be easier given that there are only 3 options

A link to the dashboard in Tableau Public: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/thanoshaan.thayalan/viz/RoadRepairsGlasgowCityCouncil/RoadRepairsDash


Thanoshaan Thayalan

Fri 29 Jul 2022

Fri 29 Jul 2022