Dashboard Week Day 4: Student registers for the universities in California

by Andy Kriebel

Traditionally there has been a day during dashboard week when the team has to use a tool other than Tableau. DS17 has been expecting it today, so they’re not going to get it. Why not a different surprise?

Today they need to use Tableau 8.3.4, which was released back in March 2015, right before DS1 started. Ok then, let’s get on with today’s topic.

Student Registers For Universities in California

The dataset contains complete student registers for the University of California and many private California universities. These records span the late 19th century to 1946. The files are separated by campus and level (undergrad or graduate)

~ University of California ClioMetric History Project

The team will need to download all of the data, find some insights, and present it back tomorrow morning. There are even some (not so good) Tableau dashboards already created for this data.

I can’t wait to hear them complain about the features in recent versions of Tableau that won’t exist in 8.3.4. Good luck!