Dashboard Week Day 2 - Hail Storms in America

by Andy Kriebel

Cover image photo by Cody Angus on Unsplash

The team did a really good job on day 1. Check out their blog posts to see how well they did. Now it's on to day 2 and the team will analyze hail storms in the U.S. The data comes from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA and has been nicely formatted by the Oasis Hub here. NOAA has some additional spatial data (and I think some additional years) that I want the team to include.


  1. Work alone unless you're stuck
  2. Prep the data how you see fit
  3. Include the spatial data (one or both of the data sets)
  4. Write a blog post
  5. The dashboards MUST be built with the Alteryx Reporting Tools. You can use Tableau to explore the data, but the final dashboard must be built in Alteryx.
  6. Presentations at 3pm

Good luck!